วันอาทิตย์ที่ 16 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Gillette Coupons - Printable Gillette Coupon

You can instantly get your free Gillette coupons to be used at any local
grocery or retail store near you. Grocery coupons are available to be
redeemed nationwide. Print your coupons instantly by clicking on the
"Print Free Grocery Coupons" link above.

With groceries and many other items in retail stores rising, many
Americans are turning to use coupons to save money on their overall
checkout bill. It's easy to save money by using coupons on everyday
grocery items and you can get your Grocery Store coupons by following the
steps above and print the coupons directly from your computer to your

Print Your Free Gillette Coupons Instantly Here

In this tough economy and many Americans are looking to save as much money
as they can and the easiest way to do that is to cut your overall costs.
With grocery store coupons, you can save money each week on your final
bill at the grocery store.

Many retailers and manufacturers are putting their coupons directly online
so that anyone can access them for ease of use. The internet has made it
easy for anyone to print free grocery coupons directly from their

Not only can you get your free grocery store coupons, but you are also
entitled to get your free samples that you can redeem from many companies
like Procter and Gamble, Johnson and Johnson, just to name a couple of
them. The easiest way to cut spending each month on food is to get the
coupons you need for everyday products that you would be buying at the
grocery store anyway.

Printable Mileage Log - With a Digital Mileage Log It's a Snap!

A printable mileage log is often required of people who must record their
vehicle mileage for business or other purposes. Anyone who has ever tried
to keep a mileage log manually will agree that the whole process is
tedious at best. This article will show you how easy it can be with the
right tool.

Many different ways have been used to produce a printable mileage log; the
most common way would probably be to take data that you have recorded by
hand in your personal planner or on miscellaneous scraps of paper and then
enter that information into an Excel spreadsheet.

The spreadsheet would probably have columns for the date, trip
description, beginning mileage and ending mileage and then quite possibly
a pre-formatted column that would automatically calculate the total miles
driven for that particular trip.

Other ways to prepare a printable mileage log could include a hand written
report, a company's expense report computer program or some other type of

The problem with this is that all of these different methods still remain
tedious for one main reason - they all rely on the driver to manually
record the beginning and ending mileage.

Now this may sound easy to anyone who has never routinely needed a
printable mileage log and I guess it really isn't particularly hard to do.
It just that most of us either forget to record one of the mileage figures
or to record the mileage entirely.

Add to that the fact that actually preparing a printable mileage log is
just not a "fun" thing to do. It's one of those things that people hate to
do that must be done.

The good news for folks who need to regularly keep track of a mileage log
is a relatively new but still unknown little digital gizmo called a
"digital mileage log." This little wonder is quite portable, it's smaller
than the size of a dollar bill and it's a snap to use.

The digital mileage log uses GPS technology to monitor your vehicle's
position (and thereby calculate and record its mileage). To use it, you
simply plug it into your vehicle's cigarette lighter and turn it on at the
beginning of your trip. Then at the end of your trip, you simply turn it
off. Your mileage data will get uploaded to the company's website via
cellular towers and you'll then be able to login and add details to your
report or download and print it.

Using this amazing little digital device will take all of the tedious
record keeping needed to manually keep a mileage log and save you time and
money as well. The printable mileage log you'll be able to generate will
suffice for any purpose necessary.

Believe me, if you have a consistent need for a log of your mileage, the
"way to go" in 2008 is to grab yourself a digital mileage log and enjoy
its many features.

I won't try and make you believe that your new digital tool is going to
change this task into something pleasant (but you will probably enjoy
using it at first) but you'll be very happy indeed with the way it helps
you produce your printable mileage log.

วันจันทร์ที่ 10 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Wii Fit – Where to Get This Years Hottest Product

Nintendo Wii Fit is one of the hottest products out there today! In case
you didn't know, the Nintendo Wii is an interactive game that requires you
to do some type of physical activity. There are games for bowling, tennis,
baseball, and many other activities. And now they have come out with a
game called Wii Fit.

It is one of this years hottest products and it makes exercise fun for the
whole family. Is junior a little pudgy and out of shape? Using this
product, you won't be able to stop junior from exercising and he'll be in
shape in no time. Is your spouse adding a few extra pounds around the
middle? Wii fit can help take it off! And the best part, it is fun for the
whole family!

Wii Fit is becoming incredibly popular. It is being used in senior
centers, schools, clinics, and even in the homes of the rich and famous.
That's right even Hollywood actors and actresses are admitting that they
own and use Wii Fit to stay in shape. It's great for everyone, after all,
it makes exercise and staying in shape fun!

Brittany Murphy, the actress and singer admits to using one to keep in
shape as does the actor, Bryan Greenberg. Whether these famous folks use
only the Wii Fit and nothing else, I couldn't say. But the fact is, the
Nintendo Wii Fit is a fantastic tool to make exercise fun and staying in
shape easy and enjoyable.

So where can you get the Nintendo Wii Fit? After all, many stores sell out
of the product as fast as they get it? You can actually download it from
your computer! That's right, there is a great service available that
allows you to download Nintendo Wii Fit, as well as many other titles,
immediately and start using them right away. You can even download it on
Christmas morning!

So do your body a favor, download <a
href="http://WiiFit.worksbest.org">Nintendo Wii Fit</a> today and have
some fun as you (and the whole family) get in shape!


Xbox 360 3 Red Light Fix Repair Guide

What's the top 3 red light fix repair guide?

One of the annoying errors that the majority of the Xbox 360 gamers meet
is 3 red lights mistake. If your console suffers from a 3 red lights
mistake, don't panic, as you are not the first nor the last one to get
this blunder. Fortunately fixing this error is not a difficult or
insurmountable problem. Before we come to the fixing issue, let's see why
this error happens.

This is the sophisticated reason for getting this 3 red light error on
your console. The deficient heat sink size, poor ventilation or even bad
treatment on the owner's part also becomes vital root of the annoying
blunder. Furthermore, placing the console in the direct daylight or close
to the heat source may cast grave effect on your favorite Xbox 360
console. Therefore , put the console at the place where there's sufficient
roomy and airy area.

The technical reason behind the occurrence of the 3 red lights mistake is
that your CPU ( Central Processing Unit ), GPU ( Graphical Processing Unit
) and the motherboard got affected by OTT heat resulting in the
motherboard flexing.

Now fixing this problem is rather straightforward through the utilization
of a good 3 red light fix repair guide and in most situations, a full
repair can be concluded in way below an hour. The choice of sending your
system off to Microsoft won't cost if your console is inside guaranty
period but the two month waiting period is not an attractive option by any
means. To cap it all, you still need to wait for a month till the console
is sent back repaired!

The Microsoft fix is rather time as well as money consuming. That is why
better to refer a professional 3 red light fix guide and fix the Xbox 360
3 red lights blunder on your own. This will make you an independent
learner to fix the difficulty, and you can play on your console within an
hour again. The ideal professional guide will not cost more than $30.

For full reviews of the top 3 red light fix repair guide you can visit

Delicious Italian Bread Recipes

One of the most overlooked parts of European cooking are the simple joys
of a good loaf of bread.

Bread in North America is a bland thing, and real bakeries are usually a
thing of the past. In countries like Italy, where food remains a craft,
the humble loaf of bread is celebrated, and that loaf is not the "Italian
bread" of the local supermarket.

Italy is a country that is well known for its grain and bread. Central
Italy, with its Campanian Plain, is the best place for growing wheat in
the Mediterranean World.

Long before pasta came along, a good loaf of bread was the cornerstone of
the Italian diet, and sopping a good dish of seasoned olive oil up with
bread is still a common, simple way to have a quick snack in Italy.

Most Italian bread recipes have olive oil and some form of herbs in them,
so the variety is usually found in the subtleties.

The standard Italian Bread Recipe requires a standard 7-gram package of
yeast, 2 teaspoons salt, 6.5 cups flour, and some olive oil. The yeast and
salt are mixed together in a bowl with about 2.5 cups warm water.

Then the flour is added and thoroughly mixed. Once the dough is made to a
consistent texture, move it to an oiled bowl, and coat the top with oil as
well. Then let it rise. After about half an hour, return to spread flour
across the counter, get out the rolling pin, and start kneading.

Once the dough has been thoroughly kneaded, it can be split in half, and
shaped into a pair of loaves. Put them on an oiled cookie sheet, split the
tops with a knife, and let them sit for another half hour to one hour.

Heat the oven to 375 (Degree)F and bake for 45 minutes. That is all it
takes to make the classic farm-style rustic Italian bread. This is a
recipe that opens itself up to a great deal of improvisation.

It can be bent towards the Italian Summer Bread recipe simply by adding a
quarter cup of grated parmesan cheese, 2 gloves worth of grated garlic,
and 2 tablespoons of chopped basil.

Italian flat bread uses the same basic recipe, with the only changes being
that the yeast is reduced to 1/4 of the package, and the dough is spread
out on the cookie sheets, and not formed into loaves.

These recipes can give an authentic Italian touch to any kitchen, and are
a good introduction to the simple and easy pleasures of home baking.

Once you have baked a loaf of your own Italian bread, take it outside with
a dish of olive oil and a nice bottle of Chianti, and see what you think.

Father Time Does Psychic – Tarot Readings by e-mail, as do many others!

Father Time Does Psychic – Tarot Readings by e-mail, as do many others!

Sometimes a child plays in Little League, and when they get older, they
might play High School or College sports, then after a few years, they may
be able to break into Professional Sports! So, there is a progression,
just as there is with many things that can be learned. People gain more
experience and expertise, as they go through this crazy maze we call life!

When it comes to spiritual gifts, intuition, ability to read palms, tarot
cards, and a person's future, there is the same sort of progress that the
practitioner makes as she or he continues on the spiritual path.

A teenager might buy a deck of tarot cards, and simply read them for
herself and her friends, for fun. Down the road, she might take that
talent, and expand it into a business sort of thing, giving readings to
others, for a fee, donation, or whatever you call it. There is nothing
wrong with doing something as a livelihood, as long as it is not illegal
or harmful to others, to people, to animals, or to the planet! After all,
priests and rabbis are paid for their time and their activities.

I have heard people say, "Oh, I could never have someone pay me for a palm
reading." Well, that's your choice, you will probably always squeak by
through life, financially speaking, and that's fine. Money doesn't really
mean anything, it is just a tool, and it certainly doesn't bring

The point of this is that some people, including me Father Time, are able
to give or do readings over the phone and through an e-mail. If you have
talents, capabilities, intuitions, foresights, et cetera, who is to say
what you can and can't do?

I am a writer, have an Online SuperStore, and also do tarot-psychic
readings via e-mail, so if you are interested in this sort of thing, I
invite you to have a look:


There are also thousands of awesome gift items for you and for others!
Please come have a look! Thanks in advance and Many Blessings!

Red Ring Of Death - Permanently From Your Xbox 360 Fix The Red Ring Of Death

Xbox is known for its well designed games, amazing themes, graphics and
superb sound effects. There are some more things that it is known for.
Those are errors. The thing that an Xbox gamer fears the most is the
screen freezing in the middle of a game and red lights flashing on the
console. This is an unwanted sight which really frustrates any Xbox 360
owner. Red ring of death is one such error. The moment you see 3 red
lights flashing near the power button on the console, you know that it is
an error called Red ring of death. Now it is not as deadly as it sounds.
Let me explain.

Red ring of death is a simple over heating problem. It is mainly caused by
long hours of playing or keeping the console in such a place where it is
void of fresh air and ventilation. Keeping the console wrapped in a cloth
or box while it is on can cause such a problem. Another thing which may
cause over heating is dust. When dust gets clogged in the vents of the
console the hot air gets trapped inside the console as there is no where
else from where can get out. This causes the console to heat up out of
proportion. When the heating is too high it causes temporary hardware
failures within the console. This is when the red lights blink and your
Xbox 360 stops working.

Now in case you face this problem, you do not worry at all. There are some
Xbox 360 repair manual available in the market which gives you detailed
repairing steps on any Xbox error. You can simply follow these steps and
mend your console using regular home tools. It's very easy and even kids
can do it. However, if you are still not confident with electronics, you
can ship the console to Microsoft and get it repaired from the pros. Even
so, let me warn you that it may take up to 5 weeks and even $100 if your
console is not under warranty. In all cases, it is a simple problem and
also a common one. But still you need to remember, 'prevention is better
than cure'.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 9 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Surfing, Spanish and Yoga in Gorgeous Costa Rica

Adventure awaits in tropical Costa Rica. It is becoming a popular
destination. The environment is ecologically-sound; the scenery is out of
a postcard. The government is stable; the drinking water is clean and it
is a good place to practice Costa Rica Yoga.

Besides learning Costa Rica Yoga, there are other activities to do and
learn in Montezuma. It is one of the exciting adventure capitals of the
country. It has grown considerably from the small fishing village it
started out as. There are stimulating local excursions in the area
including scuba diving, and horseback riding to brilliant waterfalls. This
is just a few of the activities mentioned.

You can attend a school in Montezuma to teach you Spanish, do some fire
dancing, (known locally as poi), learn surfing, and yes, even practice
Costa Rica Yoga. What better location than Costa Rica to do such a
relaxing activity. There are no traffic noises, no deadlines to meet. Just
relax in this beautiful environment and do the Costa Rica Yoga.

Tour operators are available to take you on those wild excursions out of
Montezuma. The beach is located directly across the street and it only
takes minutes to walk to it. The Montezuma River is on the other side of
the hotel. An enjoyable site to start your day, are monkeys swinging from
trees, and the many colorful birds native to this area. You will want to
begin your Costa Rica Yoga immediately.

By attending this school, college credit is provided. However, you must be
sure your college in the US will accept this credit from this school.

The Costa Rica Yoga experience happens in a covered pavilion that
overlooks the ocean, while listening to the wildlife. This make learning
Spanish and the other classes much less stressful, and much easier to

Return to Castle Wolfenstein Part 2-Evil Nazis And Different Dimensions

When you get the Return to Castle Wolfenstein part 2, you can see what
happened. It is like waiting for a movie sequel. The storyline is so
gripping and the ending of the first one sort of leaves you hanging. I'm
sure that I am not the only one that is having a fit to get this going.

You jump on a wild mission in this game. It involves Nazi bad guys. This
is not a game about the second world war by any means. This is complicated
and multidimensional. You become totally immersed into this deep
supernatural world. So there is the fun of fighting but the added bonus of
sci-fi. Fighting games are fun. There is just no way around that. Everyone
loves to jump and shoot on games. This game gives you sci -fi thrown in
which just might double the cool factor.

There are options that make it seem like a different game each time you
play. You can go the standard route, and the things you are supposed to go
and take care of open up to you. There is also the plan that the
resistance force asks you to do certain things for them. Which to me ads a
lot of depth to the experience. It makes you feel like you are part of it.

I am surprised that there has not been a movie done to mimic this game.
You feel like you are in a movie when you are playing. There is some
seriously quick action that takes place here. These deadly Nazi dudes can
create monsters out of their imagination. How crazy is that. You have the
realism of a Nazi soldier with the fantastic sci-fi monster creation.
Getting a monster tossed at you can be exhilarating. And if you survive
you get chances at more power.

This game does hit all the bells and whistles. There is the gore factor
and the thrill of the fight. You have a truly evil enemy. Honestly, what's
more evil than a Nazi? It is definitely a mature game because of the
action and violence. The sci-fi factor is really the icing on the cake
without a doubt.

Red Robin Restaurant Recipes Revealed - How to Copycat Your Favorite Red Robin Menu Item

Ok, I am going to admit it. I have a few guilty pleasures that I don't
like the world to know, but I am pretty sure that I'm not the only one,
and I would like to be able to help others. Every once in a blue moon I
get the craving for Red Robin. Not the fries so much as the burgers. But
their burgers are so expensive. But with a few little changes, I can make
my favorite burger at home.

The first thing you need to do is find out what ingredients go on your
burger. You can find out that information on the internet. If they claim
that something in their recipe is a secret, chances are, with a little
digging you are going to find it. Most of the time the big secret is you
can buy it on any grocery shelf. Once you know what it is you need, it's
just a matter of figuring out how they put the darn thing together.

Hit up Red Robin and before you enjoy it, open it up. What goes where,
write it down, take a picture with your cell phone, whatever you need to
do so you will remember and have a reference point when you make it
yourself. Most of the time, it is fairly obvious, but if you want it to be
just right, it is worth this step.

If you aren't sure about something, don't be afraid to ask. A lot of the
time the staff will spill trade secrets, not because they are trying to
hurt the business, but most of the time they are young, and may not
understand fully the whole concept of trade secrets.

Once you know what you need and how it goes together, head to the grocery
store and pick up the ingredients. If you are concerned about calories,
you can change things up. Use a veggie burger patty instead of a meat
patty. Or use a low calorie option for sauces. Most importantly, when you
cook it, you can cut out a lot of the grease and fat. Not only will you
satisfy the Red Robin craving, you may have even shaved off a few

And to help get you started, here is the recipe for Red Robin's famous


- 3 tablespoons salt
- 1 tablespoon instant tomato soup mix
- 2 teaspoons chili powder (don't over do it with this spice)
- 1/4 teaspoon cumin
- 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper (try to use fresh pepper corns)

Good luck copying your favorite Red Robin recipes!

Vocal Instruction Program for All Singers

Most people who think they can sing actually cannot sing. My mother, for
instance, really does think she can sing, but the sounds that come out of
her mouth or simply torturous for those around her. She may be a lost
cause, one of the few for which no vocal instruction program would be
suitable. But, for the rest of us, those who can hold a simple tune
without people turning away in disgust and fear, a singing program can
help you get a better voice.

The benefits of vocal training lessons are numerous. Much like a personal
trainer helps you exercise your muscles and get your body into shape, a
vocal program helps you exercise your vocal cords, your diaphragm, and
your lungs so that your voice is in shape. The voice is based on a
muscular system and it needs to be exercised regularly in order to be

Some of the best singers around today are ones that learned to sing in
church, which could be considered a vocal instruction program. Because
they sang every Sunday, and probably practiced a few times during the
week, they have the ability to find notes and hold them for much longer
than most singers. They have an ability to easily maneuver through the
scale and are always on pitch. This is almost entirely because of the
amount of practice they get.

A good vocal program can help you get the practice you need as well as
show you some helpful hints that the average singer doesn't know or
utilize. Posture, pronunciation, and breathing - all aspects of singing
that most of us don't think about - are stressed in a vocal instruction
program. They will also help you learn to sight-sing, which can be very
helpful if you are to sing professionally or even sing in church every

Vocal Instruction Program for All Singers

Most people who think they can sing actually cannot sing. My mother, for
instance, really does think she can sing, but the sounds that come out of
her mouth or simply torturous for those around her. She may be a lost
cause, one of the few for which no vocal instruction program would be
suitable. But, for the rest of us, those who can hold a simple tune
without people turning away in disgust and fear, a singing program can
help you get a better voice.

The benefits of vocal training lessons are numerous. Much like a personal
trainer helps you exercise your muscles and get your body into shape, a
vocal program helps you exercise your vocal cords, your diaphragm, and
your lungs so that your voice is in shape. The voice is based on a
muscular system and it needs to be exercised regularly in order to be

Some of the best singers around today are ones that learned to sing in
church, which could be considered a vocal instruction program. Because
they sang every Sunday, and probably practiced a few times during the
week, they have the ability to find notes and hold them for much longer
than most singers. They have an ability to easily maneuver through the
scale and are always on pitch. This is almost entirely because of the
amount of practice they get.

A good vocal program can help you get the practice you need as well as
show you some helpful hints that the average singer doesn't know or
utilize. Posture, pronunciation, and breathing - all aspects of singing
that most of us don't think about - are stressed in a vocal instruction
program. They will also help you learn to sight-sing, which can be very
helpful if you are to sing professionally or even sing in church every

Zygor's Leveling Guide - Worth Your Money?

If you've found this article you're probably aware of "Zygor's Leveling
Guide," one of the newest World Of Warcraft leveling products to hit the
market. This article will serve as a brief breakdown of features. Let's
face it, if you're going to make a purchase, you want quality assurance,
or at the very least the information to help you avoid a bad buy.
Hopefully I can help!

Zygor's Leveling guide Price: $50 The first thing to note here is that the
guide you'll be dealing with is all in-game, not a traditional PDF text
format. The downside to this is that you'll have to spend a few minutes
installing the guide (it's like a normal interface mod and an installation
guide is included). On the other hand, this is really beneficial because
looking down or minimizing your game to read information is a thing of the
past so to speak. The guide accompanies you in-game as a text window that
tells you where to go and what to do. Along with the window are arrows and
markers both on your mini-map, world map, and underneath your character
(all customizable).

My favorite part was the easy flow that the in-game instructions provided
as far as quest-to-quest movement. The on-screen arrows made it simple to
navigate and what was neat was I found myself doing quests I had never
done before. These were either quests I had never done because they seemed
obscure or even just some quests I never even knew existed. I was actually
enjoying myself while leveling because I could focus on my character and
just playing through rather than putting any worry into my xp per hour. If
I did get caught up on anything the small in-game guide expands into a
larger window to give more detailed instructions which was really helpful.
Another feature worth mention is that they provide you with quality
information on efficient talent builds to use with each class while

Final Thoughts: My only disappointment here was the customer service. It
wasn't poor by any means, it's just an old-fashioned e-mail system and it
might take a day or two to get an answer back. The only thing I ever
needed to contacted them about was getting the guide updated for a new
patch and it was responded to and resolved within the day. I recommend the
guide and would call it "worth the investment" since my average leveling
time went from about 12 days played to just under 7. In the end its a
decision you'll have to make for yourself, but I've included resources
below that might help.

If you're interested in cutting out "leveling like a turtle" from your
vocabularyand getting a copy of Zygor's Leveling Guide, check out an
extensive review and more information on my experience with the guide,
comparisons to other guides and free bonuses at

Originally published at by me at

วันเสาร์ที่ 8 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Wow gold---More fuel for the "Ozzy at BlizzCon" fire

I am lazy so I don't have enough time to go out or farming wow gold. HOHO!
See you next time!

To buy wow gold online is safe or not? I don't think anyone can give the
exact answer. Many players are crowd at some game forums and communicate
with other players often to know much about wow gold. Of course there are
some cheats in it. So you should choose a good company and do some
research. It is so important that we should keep our money and account

Here's another rumor that points at just who we might be seeing on stage
BlizzCon -- over on Roadrunner Records' Blabbermouth.net news website,
there's a rumor going around that guitarist Gus G., who's part of a band
called Firewind, will be playing with Ozzy Osbourne at this year's
BlizzCon. This isn't the first time we've heard Ozzy might be there --
Zakk Wylde, who is apparently on his way out of Ozzy's band, previously
mentioned that he might be playing there, but Blabbermouth says Zakk is
out and Gus is in.

Now, before you go all nuts over the excitement of seeing the Prince of
Darkness at BlizzCon (and we don't mean Arthas), keep in mind that this
is only the second in a series of rumors, both from sources who may not
exactly be familiar with BlizzCon anyway (they're only writing about this
because they're interested in who's playing guitar with Ozzy, not what's
going on at Blizzard's convention). So we definitely don't know for sure
what's going on at BlizzCon yet -- don't pack your "Bark at the Moon"
t-shirt until you've heard the official announcement from Blizzard.

Still, that would be an incredible show. I like Video Games Live and all,
but they've never performed "Crazy Train" for us.

Can you tell what's so awesome about this picture of Anarchy of
Ravencrest's 10-man Yogg Saron down? Nope, it's not the fact that they
killed one of the hardest bosses in the game, and it's not even that cool
type effect on the title. It's the naked Gnome. Trust us, Horde or
Alliance, every guild should have a naked Gnome standing front and center
in their kill shot.

Lots of naked Gnome-less downed bosses in this week's Guildwatch (which,
we promise, has lots more actual text than the early version you
accidentally saw today). We've also got drama and recruiting news as well
-- hit the link below to read this week's column. I am lazy so I don't
have enough time to go out or farming wow gold. HOHO! See you next
time!To buy wow gold online is safe or not? I don't think anyone can give
the exact answer. Many players are crowd at some game forums and
communicate with other players often to know much about wow gold. Of
course there are some cheats in it. So you should choose a good company
and do some research. It is so important that we should keep our money
and account safe. I really want to quit and sell my wow account and wow
gold out. I am a girl and good at changing mind. Maybe I will miss my wow
and wow gold. If you want to buy cheap wow gold, contact me please.


Quick Ways of Fixing Your Xbox 360 - This Will Solve the Dreaded Red Flashing Lights

If you have red flashing lights on your Xbox 360 read on to find out three
ways of sorting this problem out fast.

No one wants to have to wait ages to get their system fixed, so read
through the tips below and get your system back ready for gaming again in
no time at all:

1. The easiest way to get your system fixed, and it should be your first
option, is to send the console back to Microsoft. This will get the
problem sorted, but it is not the fastest way, as it can take up to six
weeks to get your system back, and for avid games this is just horrible.

2. Another option is to use a third party repair company. These will fix
your system in far less time than Microsoft, which means you can get back
to your gaming a lot quicker, but only if they know what they are doing.
You will often have to ship your system to them anyway and this means that
you don't actually have any idea if they know what they are doing or not.

3. The last option that is open to you is to fix the system yourself. You
may think this is not possible without specialized technical knowledge,
but actually it is a lot easier than you might think. Many people have
used Xbox 360 repair guides to fix their system. These are usually a set
of texts and videos which walk you through the repair process, showing you
how to prevent excess heat from building up inside your Xbox 360 console
and therefore preventing the flashing red light errors.

Make sure you get a good repair guide so that you don't have any problems
and you should be fine. The best ones offer a full money back guarantee, a
preview of the videos and excellent customer service which you can try out
in advance with an email or two to make sure they deserve your business.

Is Your XBox 360 In Need Of Repair, But You Don't Know Where To Turn? This
Tried And Trusted Review Site Will Provide You With The Best XBox 360
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How to convert video to iPhone video and iPhone audio on Mac OS X?

Want to convert video to iPhone video and iPhone audio on Mac OS X?
iSkysoft iPhone Video Converter for Mac is a perfect solution to video
format conversion. You can convert YouTube video to iPhone on Mac OS X and
convert Veoh video to iPhone on Mac OS X with this software. To convert
your video files with iSkysoft iPhone Video Converter for Mac, you can
just follow the steps below.

Free download Intel version Power PC version
Step 1: Add Video files

Click the "Add Files" button to add video files. iPhone Video Converter
supports all types of popular format videos, plus it can convert YouTube
and LimeWire music to iPod on Mac.

Note: Most of the LimeWire videos are muxed videos, and the audio of the
converted videos will lose if you use iTunes to convert LimeWire videos

Step 2: Output Settings

Select an output format like MP4, MOV or MP3 for each video file and then
specify a directory folder save the output files.

Format: Many mobile phones supports 3GP, 3G2 formats, but iPhone does NOT.
iPhone supports H.264, MPEG-4 in MP4, MOV, M4V formats, and MP3, protected
AAC, AAC, Audible, Apple lossless in AAC, MP3, M4A files. The native video
size of iPhone is 480x320. Just as the 5th Generation iPod Video.

If you want to merge all selected video files to iPod into one output
file, check the "Merge into one file" option. You can click the "Settings"
button to customize video and audio encoding settings.

Step 3: Start Conversion


Click the "Convert" button to start conversion. You can choose to shut
down your computer automatically after conversion if you don't want to
wait around during the conversion.

วันศุกร์ที่ 7 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Olive Garden Restaurant Recipes - How to Copycat Your Favorite Olive Garden Recipes

If you want to copycat Olive Garden restaurant recipes, this article will
get you started!

As my anniversary with my boyfriend approaches, I am always looking for
something unique to do. We both have agreed traditional gifts are not the
way to go. The good news is I have an idea that will both surprise him,
and make him happy. You see, I don't cook. He does. It isn't so much that
I don't cook; it really is I can't cook. I've tried. I just can't do it.
But if it is a recipe, I can follow it. So what I have decided to do this
year is to surprise him with his favorite restaurant food, made from

There is a chain restaurant that we go to frequently. The menu has lots of
choices, but he always picks the same thing. It goes by a rather fancy
name, and I don't want to give away the restaurant, but it is basically a
pasta dish with chicken, bacon and mushrooms among other things. What he
doesn't know is that I found out most of the ingredients by going to the
restaurant's website and reading the description of the meal. He certainly
doesn't know that my best friend and I went there for lunch the other day
while he was at work, and I ordered it.

She and I picked it apart, and tried to figure out every single flavor.
Remarkably, we seemed to do a pretty good job. Since we were there when it
wasn't so busy, our server came over, and we were all talking. Pretty
soon, she was telling us what she knew, and I started writing furiously.
Then, she went out back, and asked the kitchen staff. They told her a few
more things, and she reported back. Pretty soon, just by paying attention
to what was already out there, I had the recipe. Well, at least the
ingredients I needed.

So while he has been at work during the day, I've been experimenting. I've
had to try it a few times, but I'm getting much closer. I know once I
think I have it I will have to go back to the restaurant and taste it
again just to make sure, but it will be worth it. Not only can I surprise
him with this dinner, but it is something that I can make on a continuous
basis. Somehow I don't think he will complain.

To get you started, here is the recipe for the Olive Garden Salad Mix:

1 bag American blend salad
4-5 slices of red onion
2-4 banana peppers
4-6 black olives
1/2 cup croutons
1 small tomato, quartered

Good luck copying your favorite Olive Garden restaurant recipes!

How to Download Free Movies

If you know how to download free movies, you will be able to view movies
online on your computer screen free of charge. Actually they are not free
of charge, because you will have an administration charge to make for the
software that allows you to do that, although that is generally a one-time
life membership.

Most membership sites offer free burning software that enables you to
download free movies and then burn the movies onto a writable DVD so that
you can them watch them on your TV. So what kind of movies can you
download? Much depends on whether you download legally or illegally. Many
people don't know the difference and frequently get confused between the
two. In fact there has been a lot of recent publicity about illegal movie
downloads in respect of movie companies wanting internet providers to
withdraw the internet service from those that break the law in that
respect, but more on that later.

Let me make it clear right now that I do not condone people downloading
free movies illegally, but that my purpose here is to outline the software
available and the correct way to use it. So, first illegal downloads:

How P2P File Sharing Works

Anybody can learn how to download free movies - it's not rocket science
and you don't need special equipment. All you have to do is access a file
sharing service online that offers P2P file sharing software to enable you
download free movies. The site will offer you the service plus support and
burning software for a fee: mostly a lifetime membership fee. Pay the
fee and you can start downloading there and then. Most sites also offer
music, computer and video games and software downloads

Basically, when you access the software, you will be offered a search box
where you can search by movie title, genre or actor. Not all are the same.
When you enter your requirement you will see a list of results that meet
your search term. Click on what you want, and the download starts to the
directory on your hard disk of your choice.

What is happening when you download free movies is that your computer is
being connected to the hard disks of other members that are online. If
they have your title, the software recognizes that and when you click on
it, the movie file is being downloaded from the other member's hard disk
to yours. That's how P2P file sharing works. There are generally no
problems, but there is one particular aspect of this that can make it
illegal: if the movie, music track or game is still protected by

Since most modern work is protected, most free movie downloads are
illegal, but not all. Many artists and movie makers offer their work for
free download because they want to have it publicized and make their name.
This is particularly true of music downloads, and was at one time one of
the main uses of this software.

Obviously Duffy's latest hit will be protected, and will be illegal to
download, but who's to know? Well, actually, the downloads can be traced,
although the likelihood is about the same as you meeting your first
teacher in a Hawaiian bar when you next go on vacation. In fact your plane
is more likely to crash on the way there than you be found illegally
downloading, although it does happen to some people.

Not, unfortunately, those that make millions by copying and selling them,
but that is another issue. The long and the short of it is that you
shouldn't download illegally although the software to allow you to do so
is not illegal. It's like a car - it's not illegal to drive it, but it is
if you break the doing so. However, unlike the car, you are highly
unlikely to be prosecuted for having the temerity to download free movies.
There is an alternative to illegally downloading free movies however.

Legal Action Being Taken

The legal action so far has been taken against High School kids with their
moms having to pay the fines. Is that fair? What about the moguls making
millions selling pirated movies that they don't try to catch because the
kids easier game? In any case only a miniscule number of the millions
upon millions that download illegally ever get prosecuted. It costs more
than it is worth.

The networks and internet providers that have been asked to withdraw
internet access from those that do so have so far refused. No one has yet
had their service withdrawn, and the worst that happens if that if you are
caught you get a warning - then another -basically three strikes and out.
So everybody now knows that they have one in a million chance of being
found out, but to be found out three times?

There will have to be a stronger response than that to stop people. They
tried to stop me providing software but it's not illegal. If it was I
wouldn't offer it, but many use it for perfectly legal purposes and it
should be available. If you use it illegally that is your choice - and
the chance you take. I don't condone it, but you don't withdraw cars
because people use them illegally! In any case, there are ways how to
download free movies legally.

How to Download Free Movies Legally

There are websites online that enable you download free movies legally
from large video banks. Just as you can hire videos online and have them
posted to you, you can also download them as part of a video download
membership. Again you pay a membership, and then have unlimited access to
the pre-approved video bank.

In that way you can download free movies legally, although most movies
have already been on sale or on hire from video rental stores, and many
people find no fun in that. In fact I firmly believe that part of the
glamour knowing how to download free movies illegally, is both the knowing
and being able to do it, and the fact hat are breaking the law and think
that they are getting away with something.

They might be right, but it doesn't make it legal!

Xbox 360 Three Red Lights Repair Report

One of the best systems available on the entertainment market today also
happens to be plagued with the most problems. The avid gamer would
undoubtedly recognize this faulty system to be the Xbox 360. Since it was
first released a couple of years ago, it is been struck by one problem
after another. One of the more prominent problems that occurs has been
dubbed the Red Ring of Death; an error that presents with an ominous
display of three red lights on the console after a sudden system shut
down. This problem plagued over 56% of all of the original Xbox 360s
within the first six months of its release. Shockingly, in the next year,
that percentage jumped up to about 84%. There are a couple of different
three red light repairs available for Xbox 360 owners.

In response to a number of class action lawsuits that were filed by angry
Xbox 360 users, Microsoft began offering a three-year warranty to cover
this particular problem. While this sounds like a good solution in
principle, sending your broken console in to Microsoft to be repaired can
be a nightmare in and of itself. First of all, there's the great deal of
time that is wasted; it can take anywhere from a couple of weeks to a
couple of months before your console is returned. That is a lot of time
for person whose already paid for product to go without being able to use
it. This is only one of the many downfalls with this solution, and is only
one of the things that has forced many Xbox owners to resort to other
methods of repairing their system.

Another method commonly used to repair the Xbox 360 consoles is to order a
repair kit online. These repair kits have been proven effective in turning
off the Xbox 360s three red lights. These repair kits will often cost

My Xbox 360 Keeps Freezing Up While I'm Playing - Why?

If this is happening to you it has probably driven you nuts. This error is
particularly frustrating because the console simply stops responding, so
that if you are halfway through a game which you haven't saved, or you
have online ranking, you will probably lose it. You can switch the console
off and then turn it back on again and you will probably be back in
business, but who knows how long for?

Your best course of action is to make sure the error doesn't happen again
and in order to achieve that you will need to know why it popped up in the
first place.

Your Xbox 360 freezes up because it overheats - this causes the
motherboard to bend and the soldering to snap off. When the solder snaps
off, the chips it was holding down lose their connections and the system

Now, Microsoft can fix this problem for you - you send your system to them
and they sort it out for you. The only problem is that you have to wait
weeks to get your system back.

Alternatively, you can use an Xbox 360 repair guide - a collection of text
and video tutorials - that will walk you through the process of fixing
your system at home, which will let you sort out the problem without
having to wait for weeks to get back to gaming. Check out a repair guide
before you buy it - people should say it works and it should come with a
full money back guarantee and a preview of the videos accompanying it. A
good repair guide will have your system up and running again in no time.

Is Your XBox 360 In Need Of Repair, But You Don't Know Where To Turn? This
Tried And Trusted Review Site Will Provide You With The Best XBox 360
Repair Guides on How to repair a Xbox 360 Online Today So That You Can
Make An Informed Choice


Spanish and surfing – What else one can ask for at Costa Rica!

If Spanish and surfing, scuba diving, horseback riding, and visits to
private waterfalls sound good to you then you should definitely give this
schoolresort a try. Besides Spanish and surfing there is a myriad of other
activities as well. Fire dancing lessons are one of the many exotic things
you can do during your stay at La Escuela Del Sol. How many other places
can you go and take fire dancing lessons? There are also exotic excursions
to local hotspots, and Yoga courses.

The proof to the grandness of this program is in the letters that numerous
previous students have sent. Spanish and Surfing was the highlight in the
letters and reviews from previous students that can be found displayed on
the site. Not only did the students love the Spanish and Surfing, they
also felt at home amongst the friendly natives, teachers, and staff.

The method used for learning Spanish is a very good method. With most
Spanish being learned through conversation, students have learned quickly
and most are able to speak Spanish by the end of the course. Also, there
is always access to loads of vocabulary.

With today's economy, being fluent in many languages is a plus when
applying for a job and at La Escuela Del Sol you can learn Spanish and
surfing while vacationing which is no doubt a help to anyone's financial

People that go here have a lot of fun and many will experience adventure
for the first time. For many students, the time that they spend at La
Escuela Del Sol will be a life changing experience.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 6 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Methods of cooking in Cooker

Always cooking on a slow flame is advisable for cooker users. Slow cooking
is a cooking method that uses an electrical countertop appliance referred
to as a slow cooker. Slow cookers are often referred to as Crock-Pots®,
which is actually a brand name for a type of slow cooker. The slow cooker
generally consists of a stoneware liner that holds the food, a heating
unit that holds the liner, and a cover. The unit typically heats to
between 200°F (on low setting) to 300°F (on high setting), with the food
often not reaching more than 212°F. The food is placed in the slow cooker,
covered and then cooked at a low temperature for anywhere from 4 to 12
hours, depending on the type and quantity of food being cooked. The cooker
maintains a consistent temperature through out the cooking time. This
restores the taste and precious ingredients of the food.

Always cooking on a slow flame is advisable for cooker users. Slow cooking
is a cooking method that uses an electrical countertop appliance referred
to as a slow cooker. Slow cookers are often referred to as Crock-Pots®,
which is actually a brand name for a type of slow cooker. The slow cooker
generally consists of a stoneware liner that holds the food, a heating
unit that holds the liner, and a cover. The unit typically heats to
between 200°F (on low setting) to 300°F (on high setting), with the food
often not reaching more than 212°F. The food is placed in the slow cooker,
covered and then cooked at a low temperature for anywhere from 4 to 12
hours, depending on the type and quantity of food being cooked. The cooker
maintains a consistent temperature through out the cooking time. This
restores the taste and precious ingredients of the food.


Beginners direct on how to make beats on the computer

Tune is some biggest passion of fill with these days. It is offered during
numerous forms and articulated during numerous ways. It involves a lot in
life of creativity and troublesome handiwork what time it comes to make a
absolute beat line so to the same extent to transpire appealing to the
same extent well to the same extent on appearance with your time-out of
your tune. And tune is truly not around your lyrics, discussion a beat
otherwise singing. It?s your ideas to facilitate are plunk into certainty
while learning how to make a beat on notebook.

Come again? Is requisite is your passion and compliance to handiwork
representing hours. As soon as you own all this undersized encode is
requisite to transpire downloaded on your pc which can help you during
synthesizing your beats. Beat consists of drums, deep, samples and
instruments (synthesized otherwise real) and demanding improbable discrete
transformation and combinations or incoming next to your final beat
bidding provide a solidify grasp on learning how to make beats on
computer. Furthermore your user guide embedded during your relevance
bidding foster aid you during a justification beats production. Various
tune pads are offered on your relevance which can transpire played chief
and followed by superimposed on apiece other during bringing together with
time-out of your tune. You simply select a beat, add synth pads otherwise
keys to the same extent you distinguish fit, adjust come again? Panache of
beat/kit you would like, and followed by press a button to nominate a
critical custom beat representing physically.

As soon as your beats own been synthesized you can preview it and
comprehend your feel of its bringing together. Such a reaction gives you a
good fortune to nominate satisfactory changes to refine it foster and be
converted into extra profound during learning to the same extent to how to
make beats on computer.

The X Box Three Red Light Fix

What is the best X box three red light fix? We are talking about the three
dreaded three red lights that appear on the Xbox 360 more commonly known
as the red ring of death or RROD.

The three red lights are not something unusual facing Xbox 360 owners. In
fact Microsoft has stated that 1 in 3 systems will suffer this fault.
That's over 3 million units in the US alone! No wonder people are
frantically searching for away to fix this error. The problem is that
these fixes are often not the best way about it.

There are plenty of methods going around on how to fix the three red
lights on your Xbox 360 and it doesn't involve a towel, overheating your
system or even sending it off to Microsoft.

The overriding factor as to why the error occurs is due to the system
overheating. One common method to fix the error on the Xbox is by wrapping
a towel around the system forcing it to overheat and then hopefully work
like normal again. By using this method however you will actually make the
problem worse in the long term and cause significant long term damage.

The other common error made by distraught gamers is sending it off to
Microsoft. One of the problems here is that Microsoft will hold on to the
system for up to 3 months while they fix the issue, leaving unhappy gamers
waiting to start gaming again. On top of that, if the system is a few
years old then prepare to be charged several hundred dollars just to get
it fixed as well as the time spent fixing it.

Specific three red light repair kits are undoubtedly the best way to fix
your damaged Xbox. These kits can be purchased online and not only are
they relatively cheap, they will show you exactly how to repair the
system. It's pretty straight forward and in most cases the full repair
will take under an hour. Best of all the fix is safe and will not damage
your system unlike some other methods.

Come Experience Casino Playing Like Never Before

gambling has been the age old tradition of the rich and famous. It used to
be games and gambling only meant for the elite class, not so anymore.
Other than the traditional land casino gambling today's science and new
inventions have something in store for us. Ever heard of online casino
gambling or online casino games? Now casino lovers can take their gambling
to an altogether new level, via the internet. Yeah this stream is
gathering momentum these days and for the good. More and more gamblers
have been surfing the net to get a good hang of this. It seems to be quite
interesting. And also there is an advantage. You can choose from such a
wide variety of options. There is one for everyone. Beginners or the
experienced ones, be rest assured you won't be disappointed. So many
websites are available where you can avail these facilities with
instructions and all clearly mentioned. You just got to be careful while
reading and then playing them well. There lies the trick of online
gambling. You got to be good at it. And posses the knack of playing then
you will excel. Stanleycasinos.com, galaxiworld.com are the few website
you can check for some valuable and good gaming that you maybe interested
in, not necessarily all may like it. Gamblers must have heard of
blackjack, a very popular card game, even this is available online for
free, not just this but many more. Poker, roulette everything is available
by just the click of a button. At your own leisure can u play whenever you
feel rich and whenever you don't? No compelling involved.

Casino gambling involves a huge amount of luck. And all gamblers will
agree to that I believe. Along with luck comes in the knack of playing the
game and mastering the art. You don't just require the money. Today there
is tough competition between casinos all aiming to be the best. But online
casinos are giving tough competition to the land based ones. But be very
careful when choosing the site and paying your registration fees at these
online casino games website. Some feel that newly formed casinos is not
that good, which is so wrong it is a myth. You just need to posses those
skills in which you can check the authenticity of the casino online. Some
owners just flee away with you initial payment and then there occurs a
scam. These are just a few advices I can give you from my side. Also check
the banking availabilities of casinos that they are providing, if there
are quite a few options then that site is not reliable. But if you see
quite a number of banks ready to offer their services then there is no
issue at all. So you see all this comes with experience, not a one days
learning. One more important aspect is their customer services, see to it
that they tend to you fast and quick, then these online casinos are worth
a try. So go ahead and give your best shot. Hope you click right.

วันพุธที่ 5 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Wow gold---World of Warcraft Patch 3.2 Priest Guide

I have much experience of buying online. I am lazy so I don't have enough
time to go out or farming wow gold. HOHO! See you next time!To buy wow
gold online is safe or not? I don't think anyone can give the exact
answer. Many players are crowd at some game forums and communicate with
other players often to know much about wow gold. Of course there are some
cheats in it. So you should choose a good company and do some research. It
is so important that we should keep our money and account safe.

Here's a quick recap of what is known in the upcoming Priest changes for
the 3.2 patch. There has not been a whole lot of changes to the Priest
talent trees or to the talents themselves. But let's go over what we


The signature group heal for Priests (Prayer of Healing) has been nerfed
significantly. The spell power percentage has been lowered from 80.7% to
52.6%. Ouch. That's a pretty strong blow. Prayer of Healing has helped me
when I was participating in several of the Ulduar hard modes.

Discipline Priests are going to be annoyed since the cooldown of Penance
has increased from 10 seconds to 12 seconds (thereby making the Glyph of
Penance almost mandatory).

Lastly a change to Inspiration has it set so that when the buff is
active, physical damage taken by targets is reduced by 3/7/10% instead of
simply increasing the target's armor. That may not be a lot, but at least
it's something positive. Buying cheap wow gold in reality it very
interesting and some playersa are surfing online and looking for the best
wow gold shop.

Glyph of Power Word: Shield gains a minor change. It now has the ability
to activate Divine Aegis.

In a move that should be a surprise to no one on a major content patch
day, Blizzard has announced that all realms will be down until 3PM PDT
for database maintenance.

You may have noticed that we've got a lot of patch 3.2 coverage today to
keep you busy. Or you could take a peek over at the WoWathon to watch
some dramatic readings and support charity.

We'll keep you posted on any other changes to the downtime.

What I really care is to keep my wow account safe and not spend too much
wow gold and money. Everyone thinks the same with me and wants to get the
cheapest wow gold online. I wonder if you like the way of buying wow gold

Wow gold buying

The Perfect Way to Cool Your Palate This Summer

In the United States, summer is equivalent to lounging at the beach,
playing under the sun and, of course, throwing as many beach or pool
parties as you can during this awesome season. In fact, since students are
usually on vacation during this time, they usually spend their days
swimming in the pool, playing volleyball with their friends, soaking up as
many sun rays as they can at the beach and going to shopping malls not
only to shop and have fun but to stay cool while they are indoors.

Over the years, summer has become so hot, especially due to global
warming, which is used to describe the increase in temperature in the
Earth's atmosphere. Hence, it is easier more than ever to catch sunstroke
now. And so, more and more people are seeking ways to beat the heat and
yet, still have fun at the same time.

During summer, a lot of people heavily consume refreshing food as well as
drinks in the goal of cooling off on this hot weather as they go about
their summer activities. Summer staples include ice cream, iced tea,
lemonade, watermelon and other cooling food and beverages.

But have you ever considered salsa as a dish that would help you cool down
during the hot weather? Have you ever thought of serving salsa in your
summer party? You may think otherwise because this particular dish is
known more for its spiciness that can cause your body to heat up. In
reality, there are numerous salsa recipes that can render a spicy kick to
your meal but overall, these make use of ingredients that are invigorating
enough to help keep you cool during summer. And best of all, these are
readily available in any supermarket or grocery store in your

If you want to try out making salsa at home, then, here is a recipe that
you can follow in order to keep you and your friends cool during this hot
weather. And better yet, you can serve this when you throw your next
summer party.

Apple Berry Salsa with Cinnamon Chips

2 10-inch flour tortillas
1 tb Sugar
1 ts Cinnamon

2 md Granny Smith apples -- Peel/core/chop
1 c Strawberries -- hulled & Sliced
1 Kiwi -- peeled and chopped
1 sm Orange
2 tb Brown sugar
2 tb Apple jelly

Preheat oven to 475. Lightly brush one side of tortillas with water.
Combine cinnamon and sugar, sprinkle over tortillas. Cut each tortilla
into 8 wedges. Place wedges on a stone or cookie sheet. Bake 5 - 7 minutes
or until golden brown. Remove to cooling rack.

While tortillas are baking, zest orange (about 2 tbsp.) and juice orange
(about 1/4 cup). Combine prepared fruit, orange zest, orange juice, brown
sugar and apple jelly.

Serve fruit salsa with cinnamon chips.

For more great salsa recipes that are sure to cool you down but at the
same time, stimulate your body, be sure to visit
Homemade-Salsa-Recipes.com today.

Why You Shouldn't Talk Trash in the Music Industry (and in General)..

There is a phenomenon in the world of music production that makes no sense
and should be completely eradicated. I've spent a few hundred hours
meeting and networking with producers and screening through beat
submissions for various artists, A&R's and websites. For some reason,
producers LOVE talking up their music. They will email me an mp3 and say
"Guaranteed club SMASH!" or "Hov needs to hear this ASAP!" In my short
span as a beat picker, tracks that were introduced as such, have never
even been keepers to me. I don't know if this is because the music really
wasn't up to my standards or if my expectation were just so high, they
were doomed to be passed on.

Even if you tell someone "this is the greatest beat you will ever hear in
your entire life", and IT IS... That still doesn't help you at all. If
anything, it is going to set someones expectations high and you are just
setting everyone up for disappointment.

On the other hand, you'd be surprised how often industry people will still
underestimate you. Even by the way you look. I still can't believe people
are bugging out because they don't expect the tracks I make, coming from a
white guy... but they do. So the lesson of the day is be humble and let
the music speak for itself. Also remember you can apply this to any
business you may be in and your daily life. Keep on grinding out there!

The Xbox E74 Error - Another Blow to Microsoft

E74 - Another Blow to Microsoft

Just when Microsoft thought it was finally beginning to recover from the
dramatic decrease in their Xbox 360 sales due to the infamous Red Ring of
Death fiasco, the Xbox 360 is once again plagued with another problem.
This brings about the horrible familiar sense of déjà vu for many Xbox 360
console owners.

Those who have had to deal with the Red Ring of Death know how frustrating
it can be. If you were lucky, your warranty was still valid and Microsoft
would fix it for you. Sadly, this involved sending away your Xbox 360; a
stretch of time that often lasted for weeks on end, only to have it
returned with the same problem or to have it fail once again in the
following months. To top it all off, you were also responsible for the
extensive shipping and handling costs to send it to Microsoft. It took
three generations of Xbox 360 designs, a number of different motherboard
designs, and numerous modifications before the red ring of death issue was
somewhat resolved. Now, in recent months, the Xbox 360 has been plagued
with a new fault - the notorious E74 error.

At first, Microsoft's only official statement was that the E74 error was
an issue completely unrelated to the Red Ring of Death. Microsoft also
failed to release any other information about this error. Many of the
consumers whose consoles were plagued by this error felt that Microsoft
had somehow manipulated the system through updates to force the Red Ring
of Death to present itself as the new E74 error. They believe this for two
primary reasons. The first of which was that Microsoft's warranty
originally only covered the E74 error for the first year of the console's
life, when more often than not the error only presented itself long after
that year. The other reason why many Xbox 360 owners believed this was
because the E74 error was soon discovered to be caused by the same design
flaws as the infamous Red Ring of Death.

Microsoft has since then changed their warranty to cover both of these
errors under their three year plan. Whether Microsoft did this
intentionally or not may never be known. Yet the fact remains that the
Xbox 360 has been plagued with problems since its original release. Unless
Microsoft can kick it into high gear before the release of its new
console, they may find there to be an surprisingly low number of people
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Now there is an answer to this issue however. There are several good e74
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วันอังคารที่ 4 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Best Known Addicting Games

You know an addicting game, when you play one. It is definitely something
that you can't put down. Even when you walk to the bathroom, you rush
yourself back to the controls; not because you are losing a paused game,
but since you can't bear to tear yourself away from the controls. This is
a hallmark of a truly addicting game. Here is a list of some of the most
addicting games, known to online gamers. These are the games which you can
play into late hours of the night and not ever want to go to bed. You
can't get away from these games, and hence no wonder these games are the
world's most addicting games.

Doctor Mario is one such addicting game that it has been the reason behind
many broken friendships. This game, till date continues to almost break
marriages. It is one of the most awesome addicting games, ever. If you've
forgotten how it feels to play Dr Mario, then plug in the NES and get a
friend to play with you. But be warned, the friendship may not remain
intact once you are done!

The best known online addicting game, when it comes to arcade games, is
Bubble Trouble 2. In the Arcade, there are ski ball machines, street
fighter machines, claw machines, but Ms Pac-Man offers a lot of variety,
true, but what sets it apart is the simplicity of the game. Complete
newbies in the world of gaming, can get addicted to this highly addicting
game. I still can't figure out what is the kick in chomping dots and being
chased by ghosts? But still I can't deny that I am addicted to this game.
Maybe the simple, straightforward yet challenging quality of the game is
what draws gamers to it all the time.

Civilization 2 is another addicting game, just because of the pure scope
of the game. The best part of this game is that it is an immense kick to
build the world from scratch. Starting as an indigenous tribe, you go on
to becoming a space craft builder. How cool is that? This is a strategy
game which will keep you glued to the monitor for hours. Everything along
the way to the ultimate build off will grip you and the excitement of
building a civilization is not something that you will be able to deny
yourself. Hell! Even Alexander the Great couldn't resist the urge. what
makes this game a truly addicting game is that you get to Build alliances,
building weaponry, fending off barbaric Germanic tribes; all this and
more will keep you fixed to the computer in the hope of building a
superlative civilization in the world.

Tetris is another such addicting game, which can keep gamers fixed to the
controls for days at an end. On any given day, I would say that playing a
block game is meant for kindergarten goers. But do not underestimate this
game. Children and adults alike, get addicted to this game, time and